Saturday 8 May 2021

Crimson Fists - Power Armour

 I finally got around to re-doing my Crimson Fist army. I sold off the entire lot a year or two ago, but rebought into it but just the Primaris Marines stuff. I'm just doing Kill Teams right now for 40k.

Here is a tutorial I did on how I did my Crimson Fist armour.

Friday 30 April 2021

Stuffed Fables - Crepitus and Knuckle Park 2

 I cannot believe that this board game is finished! I have so many projects I want to work on and it felt like it took forever!

I do have to say that I definitely saved the best for last... and I'm talking about Knuckle. He was definitely my fave.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Stuffed Fables - Crepitus and Knuckle Part 1

 The last two... I can't wait to be done with these models! I fully airbrushed Knuckle for this and with a bit more colour and some touch-ups, I think he'll look sweet.

Stuffed Fables - Skreela Part 2

 She's done! I love the yellow eyes...

Monday 26 April 2021

Stuffed Fables - Skreela

 I was going to airbrush this one, but again, I felt that zenithal prime I did with the airbrush was to my advantage. I took some airbrush grey and blue and brushed it on (watered down). I had hoped that it would be transparent enough, but as I was doing the wash on the dress, I really liked the look of a heavy brush of nuln oil on the dress that I just doused the whole thing. For the skin, I did 2:3 ratio of nuln oil to drakenhof nightshade and I think it was the perfect shade for the skin. This one will be easy to finish!

I can't wait to finish up this game - I want to move onto other projects but the look on my daughter's face when I finish every model is worth it.

Stuffed Fables - The Dollmaker Part 2

 Well, this one is done and in the bag. Wasn't my favourite but not too bad. I don't really have anything profound to say about this one!

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Stuffed Fables - the Dollmaker

 This one might be easy as I used a zenithal prime and since he has a white coat, I think I can get away with just keeping it mostly as is. I don't think I like the orange and green together but that's what the card appears to have. Go Gators I guess?

Stuffed Fables - Piggle and Flops Part 2

 Well, they're done! I enjoyed painting these last two heroes.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Monday 12 April 2021

Stuffed Fables - Theodora, Stitch, Lionel

 Looking at these models, I should be able to knock them out super quick and I've been procrastinating that, so work on these 3 I did! My daughter will be so happy!

Here's the first pass on them after base colours and washes complete.

Sunday 11 April 2021

Terrain - Shipping Container

 I think I'm going to be going the YouTube route!

Here's a shipping container I 3D-Printed from